Travelling Blind
a Becket formation contra
- Circle left half, men lead partners to slide up/down set (if you fall off the end stay on that side)
- Circle left half with that next couple; on the right diagonal: Star Thru
- Men allemande left (in four steps) while the women turn left three quarters to face in (i.e. continuing the turn from the star thru), box the gnat with partner (which sort-of puts the men on the sides of the set
and their partners opposite/middleish)
- Pass the Ocean: men cross the set while women do a token allemande left half to form a wave with women
in the middle on the far side from their partner, start a right turn with opposite, then change to a gypsy into...
- swing opposite
- ladies lead a flutterwheel
- Pass the ocean (to a wave with women in the middle, but next to their partner), token right hand turn
into a gypsy into...
- swing partner
Written August 2001 for Suzanne Farmer
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