The Phoenix
a duple minor improper contra
- Star Right
- women drop out, men turn right in 4 steps; all balance in line across the set
- Turn your neighbour in 4 steps; balance in line again
- with your neighbour: promenade once around the other couple into...
- promenade up (on ladies' side) or down (men's side) the set
- turn around and promenade back
- Full ladies chain across the set
My card says this is a dance technique dance. The 4 step turns have to finish in time for the
balances; you want to leave the turn round to promenade back to the start of the phrase of music as
otherwise you arrive back for the ladies chain too soon.
In England, Ian Jones called this "The Boston Phoenix" to avoid confusion with a well known Playford dance
Published in Balance and Swing
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