Symmetrical Force
By Fred Field
Longways improper contra
- Mirror do si do on side (i.e. first couple go between second to start)
- mirror allemande on side (i.e. first man left, first lady right)
- Lead down in a line of four
- without letting go turn round, ones (in the middle) turning away from partner and backing
under their joined hands
- lead back, form a cloverleaf by twos joining hands above the ones'
- The twos can join hands behind the line as they lead back (or make a Triumph style arch) and
bring their hands over the ones to form the cloverleaf
- In the cloverleaf circle left once
- unwind the cloverleaf by twos arching and ones going under, ones backing under their own
arch and twos arching to pop the ones through to progress.
In 500 Zesty Contras
Written around the time the Star Wars films came out -- Fred says "May the Force be with you"
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