Proper longways
- Ones turn three-quarters clockwise while they move so the lady is above the twos
facing down and her partner below them, facing up; all join hands and balance
- all turn and move one place right round the ring; all join hands and balance again
- all turn and balance; all turn and balance
- Ones lead down the centre
- as the twos do a final turn to get out of the way
- ones turn alone, lead back and cast round their twos
- Full right and left through
In 500 Zesty Contras
This dance is usually danced to its own tune.
This dance has many variants: for example starting by balancing in a ring and then turning means all
will finish the opening twirls home and we can avoid the twos having to run for it as the ones lead down.
The RSCDS claim this as a Scottish Dance -- they have it as dance 1 of book 1.
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