Mayhem and Brownies
By Hugh Stewart
Three couples in a circle, couple nearest the band are 'actives'. Change Partner
- All in the the middle and back
- swing corner
- ... ending in lines of three with the actives in the middle. Lines go forward and back.
- actives cross over and face out, others face in: in those lines balance forward and back
- Actives turn the top person (men right, women left), actives turn the bottom person
- Tops cast, everyone follow, tops meet and start a chain (two places)
- until you meet your partner, right turn your partner full around, and balance
- and swing the one behind (your original corner)
- The new active couple will be the two who were at the bottom in the lines.
Written for Peggy Bledsoe and Alton Gay on their departure from Cambridge; their mayhem and chocolate
brownies will be sorely missed.
(Peggy has strong objections to triplets, so this had to be a three couple dance.)
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