Alone at the End
By Al Olson
Becket, but then all shift left so you are opposite someone of your sex and a man stands alone at each end
- Ladies turn contra corners, ending on the far side (i.e. swapping places)
- Men turn contra corners, ending beside partner on far side
- your first corner is your partner and your second corner your shadow
- Balance and swing partner
- half right and left through slightly to your right
- ladies: she is opposite you; men: he is the man you did the contra corners with
- long lines go forward and back to push a new person off the end
- this will alternate pushing off man and women; alternately you can shuffle left in the forward
and back and always push off a man. The caller has to decide which version you are doing!
If you are alone at the ends you can join in the contra corners as a corner, but you cannot lead
the contra corners without someone of your sex opposite you. If you attempt to hijack someone in the opposite
line who does not belong to you then chaos will ensue. When one of you is alone at the ends the man should
go to his partner for the balance and swing; if the man did not do the contra corners then there is no man
for him to do the right and left through with so he should not attempt to do it.
Published in Midwest Folklore
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